A CIN is a unique identification number assigned to every company registered under the Companies Act, 2013. Similar to the CIN for Companies , LLP are assigned an LLPIN ( Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number) It’s a combination of letters and numbers that helps identify a corporate entity registered in
Picking a special and catchy name for your brand is super important for your business to do. A good name helps set your products or services apart from others and builds a strong brand identity in people’s minds. But, before pouring money into branding & marketing, it’s important to
Are you feeling confused over the various types of Goods and Services Tax (GST) registration in India? Don’t worry, we’re here to simplify things for you! Let’s explore the different types of GST registration in easy-to-understand terms:
Financial audits are extremely important! Not just because audit is a statutory requirement for all companies to comply, but also because it helps business to get true insights into the status of business health. Audits help ensure companies follow the law and stay compliant. In India, it’s not just about
Starting a business in India is quite an exciting prospect! But getting through all of the regulations and processes can be tough. Below is an informative guide to help you set up your business in India.